As you sow shall you reap- Karma    VS    Destiny and fate doesn’t care about your plans!

How I react depends on how you act    VS     I don’t change myself for others!

Man is a rational Animal    VS    We are after all Humans

Out of sight is out of mind     VS   Absence makes the heart grow fonder!

Actions speak louder than words   VS     Pen is mightier than the sword!

Time and tide wait for none    VS    Good things comes to those who wait

The face is the mirror of the mind     VS    Do not judge a book by its cover!

Hold fast to the words of your ancestors     VS     Wise men make proverbs but fools repeat them!

When a proverb is offered as an explanation, heads nod in acceptance without demanding any further discussion. However, when an exact opposite event occurs, a completely contradictory proverb resurfaces, heads nod in acceptance yet again without a second look into it.

Why does this happen? Are we here just to nod and accept whatever we are told? Why do we not question what moral preaching we hear? Ok follow them but know why you should be doing it.
What do these mean anyway? Contradictions which points you towards 2 extremes. Which one to believe? Or to accept both? Or when and where to use either of them. Ufff

Frustrated as much as I am? Read on…

We will try to decipher some of them or come to an understanding or reason with contradictions in general.

Let’s take one for now, which one do you choose? Oh yes, you got no choice. Let’s take the most dogmatic pair of proverbs, Karma and Destiny, to discuss various possibilities and will move further to various topics.

What is Karma and Destiny? I don’t KNOW what it is, but I will tell you its current face value in the market. 

Karma literally means ‘Action’. Karma as a concept goes like this, ‘for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction’.  Destiny means Dharma/future/fortune/final. The concept of destiny goes like this, ‘when an apple-tree has grown high up, its fruits are destined to hit the ground’ [future which is certain].

Hahaha! What did you think? They were rocket science? Not at all. Then why is it controversial? Why does what we ‘think’ happens is so different from what actually happens?

It is because, Action doesn’t come alone. That’s the problem with learning languages, we don’t completely learn! In this karma concept, Action consists of Kaaya-Vaacha-Manasa translated as Thought-Word-Action in reverse order.

If what you think, what you speak and what you do, are sync with each other, you get desired results, or what you expected to happen. If any one of thought/word/action does not match with the other two then you get mixed/unexpected results.

A. Some say, destiny is the result of karma. When you do certain deed you are destined to receive its fruits or reactions, irrespective if good or bad.

B. Some say, because destiny is fixed, you are forced or supposed to do/create certain karma

C. others say, you should decide only on one or come to conclusion so as to which is right or wrong. They are 2 Never-Ending Ever-Expanding faces of life.

What does it mean? It doesn’t fit into logic but try to understand. If you go with Option A, you will be proved wrong and convinced otherwise. If you go with option B, yet again you will be proved wrong and convinced to get confused. That’s the contradiction we are discussing about.

Let’s say, you did SOMETHING BAD one year ago and karma decides to pay you back today, but you decided to do SOMETHING GOOD by the end of the day because of a Facebook video you saw last night. Now, because you are on the receiving end of karma, which is not positive of course, you will not be able to accomplish or create the Good karma you planned earlier- results of which you were supposed to receive in yet another future.

Say, you have built your personality in such a way [not consciously-obviously] that you don’t just React-to-Actions but also React-to-Reactions or simply put, React-to-Everything. Your thought-word-action combo is revolving around that something-Bad and its results you are receiving.

So now you are not creating/doing any new Karma/action you planned but simply re-entangling your Fresh-uncertain Future with Past-Karma-Baggage. Now can I say, You are “Destined” to receive negative results in future even when you have neither done Good nor bad Action in the present? For example: the soldier was destined to die a heroic death. I will clear destiny real soon.

This simply means, you can

A. Either continue to receive negative results of 1 Action for years and lives on end [Never-Ending]

B. Choose to create your future of unlimited possibilities [Ever-Expanding]
How? By being Aware and Conscious of the continuous trade you are involved in! [Discussed in last part] That is why so much philosophies about PRESENT.

So the soldier has built his personality and karma in such a way, that he is destined to die a heroic death. He has dreamt of being a soldier, worked hard, faced rejections and failures, took oath to protect the country etc. Yes he is destined to die a heroic death according to his current awareness, consciousness and deeds. But should he die no matter what? No.

Yes he can complete his service and retire. Watttt!? How can destiny go wrong!
Simple, until he was a soldier, his destiny was to die a heroic death. Once he ceases to be a soldier, his destiny depends on what he makes of himself from then on. So, can we now understand, that destiny is not definite future, but, a projection of future based on TODAY?

Today your destiny is so and so… tomorrow it might be same or different depends on how you are. So we know Awareness and Consciousness effects both karma and Destiny.

Why on earth am I telling you all these? What crap is this? What base am I using to say such nonsense about such sensitive topics?

Well … Who decided destiny karma and other bullshit? GOD? If yes, how do you know, did He text you personally? Who told us all this crap about karma and destiny anyway?
We don’t know, so what do we do? The thing which we are obsessed with, and my next topic, Prediction/Forecast/Prophecy, whatever you call it.

What is it about prediction or fortune telling? There are 2 types,

A. The future which is not affected by our stupid predictions E.g.: Weather Forecast. You can go wrong in predicting it. But it never alters itself just because we predicted it.

B. the future which can be effected by your predictions and reaction.
E.g.: let’s say you will be broke at the end of this month, is your current prediction. You can choose to effect this prediction or not.
  1.         You can choose to take action, to save, to re-align expenses, to not be broke at the end of the month nor struggle in present. OR
  2.         You can be miserable in your present because of future-prediction- suffer, cry, brag, rant about future and still be broke at the end of the month.

Destiny comes somewhere in between A and B. it is a kind of prediction on the basis of today’s factors, yes it is not effected by your prediction but yet it can change when today’s factors change.

Coming back to contradictions, [below example is an idea of a right-hand dominated idiot]

Ever tried writing with your left hand? Forget all the conditioning and with pure ignorance try writing with your left hand. Unlike your right hand, your left hand prefers to write from right-to-left direction. This looks like mirror image of right hand writing. It is a universal understanding that we have made, to write from left-to-right for common understanding.  Whether you agree or not this the most basic natural phenomenon you can observe about yourself. 

                                                         [Ignore my crappy hand writing]

But why does this happen? Look at your palms and fingers carefully. Your left hand is the mirror image of your right hand OR your right hand is the mirror image of your left hand. It is this way with most of the organs in our body like, facial organs, hands, legs, lungs, kidneys etc. Imagine both your hands and legs were identical, how would you look? With 2 right hand or 2 left legs… Hahaha what a messy creature you’d be! 


Like-wise, the world you see outside of you is the mirror image what you are. If you want to see the world as it is, you need the precision in you to invert the image in your mind and then perceive. This is not as easy as you flip-rotate your photo. To be in sync with the universe you must know that the world is your mirror image and yet perceive it inverted and act as per the mirror image requirement. God! This is complicated! Let me explain.

Let’s take your hands for example. They are not same, they look alike but entirely distinct isn’t it? You can train them to do any job identically like writing, but essentially they are different. They do their own duty/responsibility. Occasionally they come together to complete one particular job, where they find common ground in each other. But never does one hand take all the credit of doing the job. And never does one blame the other for not doing it.

They are very similar, yet very distinct. They are separate and yet connected in a very complex connection. They cannot always be together yet they are always in sync with each other. They do their respective duties yet they come together to complete one particular DUTY, NOT TO COMPLETE EACH OTHER.

Yes, there is this argument of training and conditioning our various organs to give desired results. But that is the intelligence and capacity of the life force within us.

You are breathing from two nostrils, mirror image of each other, Inhaling and Exhaling- a set of two distinct activities. Inhaling gives you oxygen, life force. Exhaling doesn’t give you anything! So will you stop exhaling because you are not receiving anything? Can you say Inhaling is good and Exhaling is bad? Or as inhaling is right and exhaling is wrong? No way. Then why classify all other things as right or wrong? You are wrong, I am right! In the case of breathing, we know what happens when we exhale, so we don’t bother to question. But in other cases, just because WE do not know the reason, is it fair to consider it Bad/useless?

We all know, we eat and drink from mouth, and discharge waste through excretory organs. We have 5 sense organs and 9 body orifices [navarandhragalu] why do we have them? What do we consciously do with them?

Let’s say, these are the input and output points of our body. Assuming we are a type of machine, we run on fuel and do certain tasks or duty fulfillment. We receive inputs, process it and give output results. We have misunderstood that

A. we take inputs only through sense organs,

B. process only through brain and

C. give outputs through locomotive organs and talking!

There is an Energy-Memory-Nerves combo in us which never sleeps or never stop working. We are constantly Receiving and Giving out data or we can rename it as Energy. We are continuously in exchange of energy with this universe. The energy frequencies resounding from and into our body is aura, which is visible around the body.

This giving out of energy is what we think we are doing in this world drama, so we expect various output from ourselves. We want our desired results from what we do. Because that output is what we are Partially aware of! [Physically and mentally]

Receiving inputs and processing it, is happening inside us without our knowledge or without us being conscious of it. So do you think if we take charge or become conscious of our inputs and processing, we can get our desired results?

Input not only means food, education, sound and smell. Yes these are also input data but there are various other frequencies of energies we are in business with, which we are not conscious of.

Your eyes are seeing and registering much more than you realize. All 9 orifices of our body are doing a lot more tasks than you can ever imagine, including skin on your palms and foot. These various parts of our body are exchanging data continuously. Mainly, palms, foot and eyes.

A. They consist of nerve endings where major transmission of energy waves happen. These energy waves are converted into “nerve signals” or nerve impulses and circulated to mind/brain, where everything is dumped.

B. Our subconscious mind which is NOT A PART OF BRAIN but a collective consciousness of each and every cell in our body, process these input signals and store in various types of memories including genetic memory. Our genetic memory and evolution dates back to the origin of amoeba!

C. And carry the other processed nerve signals available in our body to nerve endings, where nerve impulses are converted into energy waves and transmitted out into the universe.

Yes this is called Nervous system. And similar to Radio functioning. We are replicating nothing but minute functions of ourselves in technology, because we remember only bits and pieces of ourselves. 
We are data powerhouse. A mass of memory.

I am currently writing this paragraph in my diary. The touch of holding this pen in my right hand, looking at previous paragraph for references, left palm and fingers taking grip on the top left corner of this page, and a lot more, are all types of inputs and outputs I am currently receiving and giving out AT THE SAME TIME. Simply put, Energy-memory-nerves combo.

Just like breathing. If “human life is pre-destined” is true, then, “you make your life” is also true. They come together in one package, you either receive both or reject both. Similarly, our habits. To get rid of a bad habit, solution we find is to inculcate a new good habit. But most of the time fail or struggle. Why because, either good or bad, you will have a habit. Get rid of the habit of having a habit. Once you start forming patterns in your life, universe prepares itself to shatter you and your patterns.

What we are doing is, we hold fast onto one side, either life is pre-destined, or you make your life. We even confuse ourselves and believe in both sometimes. We are either standing on first-square and looking at second square, Or standing in second-square and looking at first square. Grass is greener on the other side. But you are told, you cannot stand on 2 boats at a time. And anything other than what you have is more beautiful. So what do we do?

Now, imagine the following:

From previous example, ‘predestined’ and ‘you make’, there is something called ‘nothing’ in between them. That nothing is you, floating over the boats of predestined and you make.

Zooming-out, The YOU, that is looking at both

1 two boats and

2 floating you


If 2 boats are your life, floating you is the observer, then YOU observing them both are the Superior Being. I read in a book that, Realizing this Superior-Self is called as Yoga. What does this mean?     

Some say, yoga is union and some say yoga is “your worth” (not in monetary terms). Let’s first decipher these 2.

1. Union means, uniting with the Supreme or dissolving into something that is superior to you. Or two different things combined into one.

2. Your worth means you are/receive what you are worthy of. If you want to get something or somewhere, become worthy/deserving of it.

Now let’s combine both, once you become worthy of something superior, you will unite with it or become one with it. But from the above example, yoga is not union, yoga is not your worth. Yoga is you realizing that you are the Superior-Self. You become aware of yourself, not uniting with it or becoming worthy of it.

Try this,

You inhale – boat 1

You exhale – boat 2

Don’t intentionally alter your breathing, just breathe. And observe or become aware of the gap in-between the 2. This may fail to work, but what have you got to lose if you try?

Like a tree grows deeper into the earth and grows higher towards the sky, we also get grounder to earth by our survival instincts and puled above towards grace. Body knows only survival but soul wants to continuously expand. That’s where the confusion starts, you want to stick to one thing, but also want to explore more. The pull of Body-Soul towards Gravity-Grace.

It is not a thin line between the 2 as they say. But, there is no line drawn at all. You cannot mark where one ends and another begins.


  1. Wowww..... I read just today... Destiny unfolds with the choice you make. And read on the same topic in your blog. One reading is done... I ll have to read more times in different situation... Notice the gap between inhaling n exhaling is awesome

  2. Very unique way to make one understand the law of Karma. Keep writing and keep aging Anusha.


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