Have you figured out LIFE yet !?


The other day me and my young colleagues were discussing on a topic in our lunch break… How one of them was cheated on, a couple of years ago and another of them just loved to hear the drama of it all. We were all having a good laugh at the poor chap… oh don’t worry he’s over it now and was laughing with us too. 

Another one of them said he dials home three times everyday. To give you a background… these are some of the students who have come to study in London and are working where I am. So they are far away from home, of course their parents want to know their whereabouts during the day. I told him that I thought it was one too many times to call home (parents) for a working adult. And as you would expect we split in two groups, who call their parents regularly and who do it once in a full moon. 

I was trying to say that it’s not healthy to have those milk-bonds (like milk teeth) in adulthood. It needs to be broken and new bonds should be formed with the same family members. 

Aren’t we all innocent to think in our childhood that, adults have it all figured out. The world The humanity The way of life has all been figured out… adults know what they are doing and that’s why it’s important to do what our parents and grandparents tell us to do or guide us about. 

The hell they have!!! By the time you really feel like you’re a grownup… you’d have understood that everyone is still trying to figure out how to live life. Humanity doesn’t have it all figured out for god’s sake! Stop following orders. 

People building businesses & religious schools of thought, institutions like marriage, judicial, political, society and education etc etc… are all bloody part of figuring out what works. None of it is absolute in itself. It is all trial and error. If you think marriage is absolute… there are more ways it has damaged humanity than it has helped. We establish a system to see if we can make it work. But over a period of time just because we belong to a system, we protect the system as if our life depended on it. So what are we? The system or the people who built it? 

Everyone even those you think are successful people in this world are still figuring out life. As the saying goes, ‘they are all trying loudly, failing loudly and trying again loudly’. There’s no rule book or Hand book for humanity to follow and live by it. 

Humanity in its essence is about evolution. Evolving is our basic purpose. Now if you want to or not… you are evolving anyway. Everyone is evolving in their chosen direction (again conscious/unconscious choice). Humanity is constantly evolving and a part of it will reach the best possible version humanity can ever be. Another part of it might reach the worst possible version of humanity. And may be everybody else fall under the spectrum between the two. 

It’s not about one person being his best or his worst. But human race as a whole. Like we call it in India Satyayug. But where do we reach with this evolution you ask… my practical answer will be, ‘it is the choice of every person in every given moment of their life. The choice is ours, we get to decide.’ 

But my personal answer would be Shiv&Shakti. That’s how far we can evolve. So my friends. Stop doing what you are told and evolve in your own way and become the best version of yourself so that humanity can reach the best version of itself. Thankyou for your time.
