A story of YOU

Once a young human named ‘’YOU’’ had a greatest wish to attain enlightenment.

YOU belonged to a local wild tribe who lived in forest labelled as SAVAGEs. They lived on their own terms, every individual had their own way of life and culture.
One day determined to find a guru, YOU searched all over the forest and found one of the SAVAGEs making a small sculpture out of soil or clay.

YOU approached the SAVAGE and asked
"What are you up to?"

SAVAGE: Still doing with the clay, took a look at the stranger and said, "I'm making a representation of my God which I will require to remember for my further journey to salvation"

YOU: "I have a deep desire to attain enlightenment too. Who is your God by the way.!?

SAVAGE: "My God resembles me. Walks like me talks like me eats like me looks like me, we are very much alike. I saw my God when I was meditating for the first time. God takes me further towards salvation"

YOU: "So you meditate for salvation .!?" YOU were surprised SAVAGE had a tool and not a Guru to guide. This was something new and interesting for YOU. But was humbled to know that the SAVAGE had already found God, without a Guru!

SAVAGE: " Yes of course, don't you.!? I thought everybody meditates for salvation" continues to do with the clay. It now looks like SAVAGE but face doesn't resemble, SAVAGE never looked at a mirror.

YOU: "I was in search of a Guru, but from now I'll meditate too. I will visit you often if you don't mind, to learn new things. Have a good day" starts walking slowly

SAVAGE: "Of course we can share our journey and experiences, good day too’’.

YOU continued walking in whatever direction, thoughts were running about the SAVAGE and God. After a long time walking, tired and toiled, YOU sat beneath a tree for rest and dozed off. Waking up to a bad dream, YOU resumed the day and started to meditate immediately after fresh up.

After half an hour of sitting quite, there occurred the need to drink water to quench the thirst. YOU woke up and searched for a water pond nearby. After drinking sufficient water, YOU came back to the same spot and resumed meditating.
Again, an hour later, nature called! YOU thought it was not a good idea to get up from Med again, for the fear of not being enlightened. But the urge to pee wouldn't go away. Frustrated though, but answers natures call and again resumed Med.

During meditation, there seemed no new things but only what YOU could see with eyes open. Trees, birds, animals, fellow human beings, water, sky etc. This dint seem to impress YOU, still went on with it.
After some time hunger arose. YOU searched for whatever was available to eat nearby and resumed Med. This time much more frustrated.
Yet again, after some time, thirst came back. YOU were surprised and worried because just now thirst was quenched and it was back again! But managed to find some water around and was back to Med soon.
Then nature's call to remove all toxins and waste out of body. YOU were again shocked and disturbed, but managed to come back and resume Med.
Then again hunger, then thirst, then nature's call. This went on and on and on.

ONE FLASHBACK AND THOUGHT: YOU realize that, previously while living with savages, all your needs, wants, thirst, hunger, clean up were fulfilled by fellow humans A Mother precisely, because YOU were too small to wipe your own ass. But now YOU have grown enough to do all your routine and there’s a desire for enlightenment but these are disturbing your journey. If this continues to happen, there was no way for enlightenment


While YOU were thinking of solution and wandering in the neighborhood, came across a Villager who had 2 pots near his meditating place.

YOU: "what are those.!?"

Villager: Surprised to see one of the SAVAGEs in the village, answered "Those are pots where I store water and food for next time I may be thirsty or hungry"

YOU: Surprised and happy with the idea of ‘’STORING FOR NEXT TIME’’, asked "where did you get those"?

Villager: "I made them all by myself using clay"

 YOU learnt how they are made and started storing food and water nearby. And got up from Med only when YOU had to bathe, cleanse, excrete etc. This went on for some time.
By this time, YOU have met a creature resembling YOU in meditative state and it guided on the path of enlightenment. After preparing a structure resembling humans using clay YOU started talking to it every day, after daily routine. It reflected your-self.
Contented with progress YOU spent more and more time telling other villagers about God and talking to Clay Human.

YOU found it difficult to Med coz shifting to a shade during endless rains, scorching sun and fierce cold wind was humanly not easy. YOU were so cold in the heavy rains and ran for some shelter, being a savage - a cave, but unfortunately YOU were in a Village and no caves to be found. YOU met a villager who had a shelter and stayed there for a couple of days, eating what you were given and sleeping inside a Hut, rocks and palm leaves covered uniformly forming walls and roof enough for a couple of people to live.
When the weather got normal YOU thanked and left to build your own hut. YOU built the shelter very similar to the one YOU stayed and gradually made changes according to the changing weathers around you. YOU realized you have made no progress in meditating. YOU try hard to sit still but the thoughts of eating, sleeping, the hut and the villager you met won’t go away.


YOU noticed the biological differences between the villager and YOU. And were perplexed by the beauty of creation. So next day YOU went in search of the villager. On the way YOU saw various types of huts and shelters built inside the village. YOU saw little kids running around and remembered your childhood with the savages. YOU saw other villagers similar to the one YOU took shelter from.
And YOU finally found the villager, carried on how the nature took, your bodies met and felt a kind of pleasure YOU never felt before. Lost track of why YOU went there. There was a different level of energy and consciousness in YOU after you left the place. And when YOU finally reached your place, YOU sat in meditation for longer than YOU ever did.

The routine was same for a while now. YOU met other villagers and shared your body as well your Med experiences. YOU met some of the villagers with a very big stomach, which at first YOU thought they ate more and more. Later YOU were told, they were God-like and they magically delivered babies who grow up to be adults like us. ‘’Not everyone is gifted like that’’ YOU thought ''and if I progress in my meditation I may become God-like too''.
But after some time YOU felt an incomplete and non-belonging feelings and decided to move from your place. YOU met more sophisticated humans on your way and saw better huts and houses which were much more comfortable and secure. YOU also saw people lived together in one hut or Home as they called it here. And there were also biologically different people who lived together in homes, for your surprise, it was only one type of the human who were gifted with big belly and not the other.

In this city people cursed each other because of the insecurities of one type of human over other. Like, who are not gifted, always felt insecure, incomplete and inferior against those who were gifted and always over-powered them. YOU tried to understand how it worked, YOU were curious. After asking many people YOU learnt that, when people mate only one of the member is gifted with baby and not the other. And this whole time YOU and villagers had no idea that two humans create another human!

This was a very big village or City, as they called it. There were so many people and so much easier things were made for routine tasks. Some people had houses, some others had huts and others lived under trees with too little to eat or drink. Some ate well, while others starved. There were tantrums and fights about who mate whom and who came out! What things belonged to whom! And also there were homes where one of each biologically different humans lived and took care of whatever they created together. There still people existed who mate only sometimes for pleasure and go back to their homes and did meditation.


After a long time…

All right now YOU find yourself in a Bungalow - which YOU can’t walk around like before, with a mate partner – but YOU don’t mate anymore since long time, Children - who are adults and don’t need YOU to help them anymore, and YOU own the finest properties among fellow human beings.
YOU don’t feel energy in your body like before, YOU can do only a little of the things and sleep all day because YOU are getting old. One day YOU wake up from unconscious state and YOU are told YOU have a disease, which won’t go away. YOU are given a year or so, after which they said YOU will die. Now what does death mean anyway? YOU didn’t care for what YOU dint know and went back to sleep.

YOU wake up next day but your mate partner won’t wake up at all! People who live around you tell YOU that your partner is dead and never to wake up. They did everything that needs to be done to a dead person’s body and soul. YOU learnt how death is dealt with and how it looks to others. All this time YOU dint know there was an end to this body and YOU don’t even know a damn thing about so called ‘’soul’’ yet. Anyway now YOU sleep all day, so YOU went to sleep.

There was blinding light all around you, YOU trip on a stone like structure and fall. YOU noticed the stone is the Clay Human YOU made when you were a savage. YOU start to have a feeling YOU are dead and panic. Right then YOU open your eyes and see all the servants serving YOU with food, drinks, clean-up and other stuff. YOU realize YOU have lost your way out of life & enlightenment and have come a long way. YOU can’t move your body on your own, YOU just have to lay there until death comes.

Why is it that was easy to take care of eating, sleeping, mating, and defending one’s body [like food drink rests naps mating partner weather changes were taken care of] but why is it difficult to stay focused to what we actually have to do and so difficult to handle birth, death, disease and old age?                                  
Don’t YOU think we are somewhere going wrong and not doing what we are supposed to do?
Don’t YOU think we are lost in organizing for a living and not actually living?                                    
Don’t YOU think we are stuck doing only what is called necessary arrangements to start the journey of so called ‘’spirituality’’ or ‘’whatever’’ it is?


YOU decided to leave the place again, but now YOU were not on your own, YOU had to be carried to wherever YOU wanted to go. YOU asked to carry you back to the forest where savages lived. YOU were shocked to see everyone as healthy and young as they were before. YOU talked to your mother and asked if YOU can be healed and enlightened. Of course, mom being a mom took great care of your body & mind, surprisingly it healed your illness. Once YOU were able to walk and do things on your own, YOU asked about their health and how everybody managed to live healthy for a really long time.

Savages were the enlightened beings who lived their life on their own terms, nobody questioned each other’s cultures or beliefs or practices. They never bothered how the other person is doing in their journey of life, they just lived together in a clearing, deep inside the forest minding their own business. They mate only when it was necessary to reproduce another human and not for the urge of pleasure. People did not fall sick neither did they get ill nor did they die. They were able to die whenever they want without pain and suffering or old age. And no near and dear one’s were disturbed by it, whether or not reborn for higher purposes. They took care of their bodies in such a way, it worked however they wanted it to. There was no discrimination between men and women, adults and children. Nobody looked-up or looked-down upon anybody. Everybody was just there, co-existing and carried on their duties without getting personally involved in the drama.

YOU couldn’t completely understand and agree with them of course, but YOU can always work towards enlightenment and experience it and know it. To know How they did what they did, YOU need to be enlightened!



  1. Loved it!!!!!! Its just wonderful.... The last part is the best of all...

  2. We were just lost ourselves in organising our living , but without actually living our lives !! Very thought provoking words. Please keep posting thoughts from your wandering mind. It is wandering in good places!!


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