Immortal-You inside Mortal-You

I will begin with an example, of two people who promised each other to love, live and die together forever, I meant a married couple, not Romeo and Juliet!

A man and a woman are two crucial ingredients to the recipe of marriage, where no-one is less important than the other. Because a marriage will not exist with only one person remaining. So we married people are two inseparable entities of same drama of relationships. 
  1. My favourite vegetable is ladies finger, but my husband hates it. Now if I cook ladies finger every day and in every recipe, he will eat first day. Second day he might ask if there is more to the menu. Third day he might complain, fourth he might give reasons for not being hungry. Fifth day he might tell me to stop cooking the same vegetable. Sixth day he might fight with me and tell me “too much is too bad”. Seventh day, he will take away his credit-card from me and start buying groceries and vegetables on his own.
  2. As the decision of choosing vegetables is vested in the hands of my husband now, he loves capsicum and I hate it. He decides to teach me a lesson and starts buying only capsicum every day. Oh! I am not as patient as my husband. First day I might eat, second day I will fight, third day I will go on hunger-strike, fourth day I will not talk to him. And finally fifth day I will stop cooking and yell at him at the top of my voice, “too much is too bad”. 
  3. Let’s say, I am always low on blood pressure. And every day I cook food with excess salt, which is normal for me. But excess salt is bad for everybody else, who eats my already pathetic dish. Again, first day my husband might inform me about excess salt. Second day he might eat with great difficulty, third day he might add some sugar or water or curds to his platter. Fourth day he might suggest me to add extra salt only on my platter and not to the cooking pot. Fifth day he might educate me about health risks from eating excess salt. Sixth day he might not eat at home at all. Seventh day he will again fight with me and tell me “too much is too bad”.

PS: I was talking about a very patient and understanding husband like mine, who can keep his sanity until seventh day ;)

Now, what is meant by “Too much is too bad” in the above examples? Ladies-finger and salt was not too much for me, but capsicum was. As we are two beings of same entity, actions favourable to only one individual is “too much”. Ladies-finger, salt and capsicum are not “too much” on their own. As the saying goes, “too much of immortality-elixir [Amrita] is poison in disguise”. What does this mean? If too much of Amrita is collected and stored in one big container, does it turn into poison? Of course not, if human beings consume it, it is poisonous to OUR BODY.

So before you judge anything just remember, our thought process revolves around us. And we take ourselves way too seriously. Anything you witness around you is not GOOD or BAD on its own, your interference makes it either good or bad for YOU. If Amrita is not poisonous on its own, irrespective of its quantity, are we poisonous to the Elixir? Because it loses its very own nature if it hangs out with us more than required. May be we are the bad company.

For example, bare human eyes cannot see in the absence of light. Does it mean nothing exists if we close our eyes? No. There are few rare humans who can see even when it’s dark. Human ears and eyes can experience only certain frequencies of sound and light, which doesn’t mean there are no other frequencies. Human eyes can see only minuscule part of electromagnetic spectrum- which is 10 trillion times larger than that of visible light. Similarly our physical and mental state can be larger than we know or even infinite.

If Shiva is existence and Shakti is consciousness, Shiva represented as masculine and Shakti represented as feminine, does it mean, on earth, all females are Shakti/consciousness and all males are Shiva/existence? [Misunderstood from the poster of Ardhanareeshwara] of course not, then what does it mean? As Shiv and Shakti together is “Ardhanareeshwara” then can I say, existence and consciousness together is “ConsciousExistence”?

                       * Ardhanareeshwara*

Irrespective of gender and other classifications, every life Exists, but is every life Conscious? Does life consciouslyExist? Do WE consciously exist? Let’s try to find an answer. Shiva and Shakti are Not two different beings coming together to become one. Shiva and Shakti are two parts of One Individual Being. Can we agree, every one of us have both Shiva and Shakti in us irrespective of gender? If so, then we have both existence and consciousness in us.

Now we know that we have 2 distinct parts in us, let us come down from the cosmos, Shiva and Shakti to Human beings. There is this most corrupt, controversial, dogmatic and misunderstood concept of Body and Soul. Now we will start a controversy. For our better understanding, let’s assume existence as our body and consciousness as our soul.

We happen to exist. We have a body. What do we do to continue to exist? Survive! How? Or from what? We breathe that’s how we survive. We also survive hunger, thirst, most of the diseases and animal attack, from killing us. We have a body that continuously needs to be preserved. No matter what, we want to continue to survive. This is our survival instincts towards our body. We do so much for our body, we feed, clean, dress, protect and what not. What do we do for our soul? Don’t you think we should be doing something for the soul?

As husband and wife are one, and we cook both ladies-finger and capsicum, so is our body and soul, shouldn’t we be acknowledging both of them? Hold this thought.

May be at the beginning of life, people knew what should be done with the soul, now we don’t. I mean we don’t know it by our very own nature, we have grown too much into survival instincts that we don’t have time to think anything other than our body.

At first we killed small animals to fill our stomachs. Then we saw other huge mammoths eating humans raw, oh shit! We can be eaten as well!  We prepared ourselves to defend from those animals, which was not enough because the problem was not solved. So we started killing those mammoths one by one until they were no more. We are successful in killing most of the man-eater mammoths to extinction. Then we started living together making a small village or state. The greed for more was always there, so other states started conquering us and in-turn we conquered other smaller states and building huge armies to defeat the attackers (again survival) because, we don’t want to live under anybody, we want our own free will to do whatever we want and yet we conquer others or rule and control others as we wish. It dint stop there, we wanted to be so powerful that we should be able to defeat every kingdom and country in the world, we made inventions and produced deadly weapons and even mass destructive weapons like nuclear missiles. We are now successfully capable of destroying the world we live in.

Alamogordo, 16th July 1945. Ten seconds after the first atomic bomb was detonated. The nuclear physicist Robert Oppenheimer, upon seeing the explosion, quoted from the Bhagavath Githa: “now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds”. (Reference: Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari)

Killing fellow human beings in mass whom we don’t know, is it success? Or sickness? That’s not enough, governments and militaries kill people. Other civilians want their fellow human beings to be destroyed one way or another. Hunger, mal-nutrition, rare and deadly diseases, oppression from upper class, suppression from rich & high class society, exploitation, slavery and many more are our (civilians) weapons of destruction. We are ok with people dying around us as long as they are not our family members, because as death increases, competition decreases and we can have the whole world to ourselves.

Do we understand that there is only so much natural resources which should be shared among all of us? Just because we reproduce more and more and cheat death with technology, doesn’t mean our supply of air, water and food increases. There’s only so much for human consumption on earth, the chocolate pie is not getting any bigger! One has to go starving for another to eat more than his share. Oh yes, isn’t that why we leave poor to die so that our share increases?

Everybody wants more than what he already has, everyone wants to be on top of the world. Everyone wants power and money more than others, everyone wants to be on top. We humans are already on top of the food chain, imagine we control all other species who can tear us into pieces for their survival. How much more do we want?

We see a new product ad on television and we immediately create desire to buy it someday and continuously work towards it. We want devices to act on our command, we want devices to store our memory, we want devices to heal our body, we need light bulbs because our eyes won’t work in dark etc etc.. these are our wants and needs.

Coming to adventures, explorations, thrilling experiences of adrenaline-rush, we want to study how animals work, we want to study how our human body works by cutting a dead person, we conduct experiment on various animals and also humans, we want to know what is beyond earth, solar system and galaxies, we want to know every cell and every part of a cell, and every damn invisible thing. What do we do? We invent and use other equipments, machines, improved technologies and all possible external things.

Ever wondered what we can do with our human body and mind? OH yes, we survive, other than that? We have always tried to improve what we previously created, did we give a thought on how we can improve our body and mind? Sadly, we do only those activities which animals do with our inbuilt technology, though we are on top of evolution. Purpose is not to evolve technology or man made things, may be our purpose is to evolve within ourselves. Because every life has to undergo evolution at all points of time as per Darwin.     

There’s a blue eyed Chinese guy who can see in the dark. There are reports of people being able to talk to particular animals and some animals being sensitive to its owner’s emotions and taking action accordingly. There are people who don’t eat for days and still be alive and fit. There are very few people who actually possess super-human powers. Possibly there existed people who could talk to each other without even opening their mouths.  

We have a greatest example of Indian astrologers who knew all about sun, moon, entire solar system, distances between them and about other stars long before telescopes and satellites were invented and put to use. Our astrologers still use old school ways of writing Hindu Calendar and predicting a whole year, which never proves wrong Our Indian farmers even till today can predict weather without using any device or technology, just by being in sync with nature and earth. (You can read “Shrinivasa Kalyana” to know everything about geography of earth, which is a story of marriage between Shrinivasa [venkateshwara] and Padmavathi in its entirety. My maternal grandma always read it for me. )

By the way we create a lot of superman stuff these days, where did we get the idea of superhumans? From ancient stories and historical myths. We will never know if such people actually existed a long long time ago or just made up stories. But we know that, anything and everything we are today is genetic memory and we can’t create a new type of memory without actually experiencing something, is it possible that everything we consider impossible today, was possible at some point in history? May be we inherit a lot of genetic memory which includes some superhuman experiences our ancestors had. May be that’s why we are able to come up with so many superman ideas.

Perhaps, there are possibilities to expand our perception and dimension to finally evolve within ourselves. We refuse to accept only those which are not in our experience, because, our thought process revolves around us. And we think there are only those things which we can experience with our bare body and mind. We think Amrita is poisonous, we think nights are for closing eyes and sleeping, we think ears are for listening to other people, we think we are born to earn more and more money. We assume that, there’s nothing on this earth or universe which humans can’t experience! How foolish, because we can’t even stop using animals and fellow humans for our personal desires and be kind. And we aim to start life on other planets! Our creator is so kind to every life that he/she/it is letting us do all nonsense things and MISERABLY EXIST not CONSCIOUSLY.

Why are we inspired by manmade inventions and external devices but not man himself? Why are we not inspired by supermans? And evolve ourselves to see in the dark NOT using any device (eg). May be we will know whole cosmos, universe, DNA and atoms and every other invisible (to our eyes) things, just by completely knowing & evolving ourselves, our body, our mind our perception and dimension. We might become lucky enough to even know about creation/creator. If I tell you more, you all might call me names and label me with the term you don’t even know a thing about! - spirituality. Because again, that’s what we do, refuse to accept “that” which we know nothing about.

So, we came to an answer of not ConsciouslyExisting. We are only surviving never-ending threats to humans and with a lot of unnecessary drama as to, who is better surviving than whom.

When in reality, we are all struggling only to “make a living” and not actually live as humans!


  1. One of the best writings I've read. Very informative and eye opener. Viewing world in a different perspective . Keep up the good work!!

  2. Good one, continue the good work

  3. Its a strange world na. . Ah! All i feel is why is our universe is soooo silent n secretive. .. If i was a universe i would reveal everything without keeping any secrets. Hehe. Loved this..i enjoyed reading this. Body is existence n soul is consciousness, how simple and effectively you made this line.

    1. Oh yes strange ... but our universe is always available to us ... we are just not receptive. And thanku very much... appreciate your words...

  4. Oh my God. Such a wonderful and completely different perception to already known matters. I am rather looking on other side now. Keep writing.

    1. Hey, whoever this is, thanku very much. It really means a lot to me.


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